By mastering the techniques of high strength and self-consolidating concrete, Ergon can elaborate the most economical solution in prefabricated concrete for high-rise buildings such as office towers.
The horizontal stability is guaranteed by a rigid core, mostly made using a climbing or sliding formwork, that is realized in the building. Ideally, this core is executed at the same speed as the erection of the prefab elements of other parts of the building, but its execution must however be a few storeys ahead of the prefab erection.
High-rise buildings have specific requirements that must maximally be fulfilled in order to come to the best technical and economical solution. Ergon has specialized in finding the solutions for these different aspects.
Office buildings
As for multi-storey industrial constructions, the office buildings are executed with columns, beams and prestressed SP- or TTP-floor slabs.
Inverted T-beams are used where the construction height is an important element. If necessary, the structures can be made with continuity between the beams, floors and columns..
When column-corbels are not permitted, e.g. for aesthetic reasons, Ergon provides a built-in “invisible” BSF-corbel.
The use of high strength concrete (90 N/mm² or more) has become common practice in Ergon-constructions. It reduces the dimensions, increases the spans and offers greater flexibility.

Consult our technical guide for more technical data or feel free to contact us if you want more information.